25 jul 2011

lunes. Monday

(Picture taken 21/8/09 Úrsula´s concert in Seville)

Los lunes siempre largos,
no pesados,
bien rellenos.
Visité el mar,
cálido y sereno.
Entré y salí con prisa del plano "en la playa"
Pensamientos en remojo,
con cloro y sal.

Mondays are always long,
not heavy,
well filled.
I visited the sea,
warm and calm.
I went in and got out quickly from the plane: in the sea
Soak thoughts,
with chlorine and salt.

23 jul 2011

precipicio. precipice


Acabé de cruzar.
Era difícil mantener el equilibrio,
en el precipicio de tu amor.

I ended up crossing.
It was hard to balance,
on the precipice of your love.

18 jul 2011

saltar. jump

-No, me da miedo saltar.
Quizá porque se me cortaba la respiración, de pequeña.
Pero aprendí a dar saltos gigantescos con mi imaginación.

Lo importante de saltar es saber como caer.

-No, I´m frightened to jump.
Maybe, because it took my breath away, when I was a child.
But I learnt how to make giant leaps in my imagination.

The main thing when you jump is to know how to fall.

(Image from a gallery in Stockholm. Cant´t really read the name of the artist in the picture )

17 jul 2011

puesta de sol. sunset


Fuimos corriendo,
no éramos los únicos,
no éramos muchos.

We went running,
we weren´t the only ones,
we weren´t too many.

13 jul 2011

9 jul 2011

Despertar sobre notas musicales, desliz matutino sin destino.
Wake up above music notes, morning aimlessly slip.


7 jul 2011

dos soles. two suns

Le gustaba tanto las sombras,
que tenía dos soles.

She liked so much shadows,
that had two suns.

4 jul 2011

silencio. silent

Mañana muy silenciosa.
Eran ya las once y nada.
Ni las hojas de los árboles cantaban.

Really silent morning.
It was eleven and nothing.
Not even the trees´ leaves sang.

1 jul 2011



Para mí la mar,
es como esa persona especial,
que cuando sabes que está en la ciudad,
no puedes evitar ir a verla.

For me the sea,
is like that special person,
that when you know it is in the city,
you can´t avoid going to see.